Tuesday, March 31, 2009

new stuff

Stuff to add to the list.
* create PDF (should contain CV, artist statement, photos and any other professional material)

* Website designed (should contain links to other sites on top of any other material)

Here is the big list, working backwards:

* Start a Flickr account
* Make friends with me
* Join the SUNYBLOG Flickr group
* Upload photos, create sets and groups
* Start a Blog
* Create four altered photos and post on your blog (change the same photo using
color, brightness etc etc)
* Using photoshop create a fake ad and post on your blog
* Take three screen shots using the grab tool and post on your blog
* Create a slide show from your Flickr set and post on your blog (use
susieganch.com as a template)
* Make four buttons using the html code we learned and Flickr and post on your blog
* Embed a Video using Youtube or Flickr Video on your blog
* In Illustrator create your webpage layout and post on your blog
* In Illustrator create a comic book cell or page using the trace command and post
on your blog
* In Illustrator create three custom brushes and create a digital drawing and post
on your blog
* Create another ad combining all of what we have learned so far and post on your
* Create a banner for your blog
* Create a postcard, business card and poster and post on your blog

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hey guys

I just saw this and thought of you all.

The TLC has organized several events conducted / presented by our teaching and professional faculty. Please join us on Wednesday, March 11 for: A Class Act: Using Technology in the Classroom which runs from 11:00 through 3:00. Lunch will be provided (please RSVP.) Attendees are welcome at any time. The tentative schedule is:

Clickers in the classroom
Kimberly Lukaszewski: School of Business: 11:00 TurningPoint Clickers

Howard Good: Communications & Media - 11:25 PBwiki
Margaret Johnson: Art Education - 11:45 WetPaint

Social Networking
Rachel Reuben: Web & Welcome Center - Noon Twitter


Second Life
Benjamin Junge: Anthropology - 12: 40 SL in a seated class
Susan Miiller: Art Education - 1:00 SL in an online class

Tom Meyer: Secondary Education - 1:15 Blogs

Voice Tools
Annie Gallin: Foreign Languages - 2: 15 WIMBA Voice Tools

Linda Smith
Senior Instructional Technologist
SUNY New Paltz